Lax-Flowered Balsam is an annual non fleshy herb,
sparsely branched, up to 1 ft tall, stem hairless, ridged, nodes
swollen. Flowers are pinkish purple, flower-stalk 0.7-1 cm long,
green-purplish white turning reddish. Bracts at the base of
flower-stalk, ovate, whitish green with purple tinge, persistent.
Lateral sepals are 2-4, upper pair modified into reddish black
corpuscles, lower pair ovate, 1.5 x 3.5 mm, tip pointed, nearly
transparent. Lower sepal is boat-shaped, purplish white, 4-5 mm broad,
7-8 mm long and 1.2-1.5 cm deep including the spur, mouth yellow on the
throat, shortly beaked, beak glandular; spur 0.8-1.2 cm long (absent in
inprominent flowers), straight, gradually tapering into a shortly
downcurved single fid, green tip. Dorsal petal is pinkish purple,
semi-hoodlike, broadly ovate to nearly round, 6-7 x 5-6 mm, tip round,
non-beaked, dorsal side slightly raised. Lateral united petals
pinkÂish-purple with yellow blotch at the base, bilobed, clawed,
unequal, 1.2-1.7 cm long, basal lobe ovate, tip blunt, about 3 mm
broad, distal lobe broadly dolabriform, tip pointed, 5-8 cm broad,
1-1.2 cm long, basal ear absent. Stamen are 5, united, enclosing ovary,
3-4 mm long. Inflorescence ae borne in in racemes, erect, in leaf
axils, carried on flower-cluster-stalk 2-5 cm long, 5-15 flowered; bud
colour purplish white. Leaves are distributed over the whole stem,
alternate; leaf-stalk 0.5-1 cm long, green; leaf blade ovate, 2.0-3.5 x
3-9 cm, hairless, bullate, base narrowed, tip tapering, margin
sawtoothed, bristly between teeth, veins 4-7 pairs. Capsules are
linear, cylindrical to nearly ellipsoid , inclined at an pointed angle,
green, slightly ridged, smooth, 1.5-2.2 cm long. Lax-Flowered Balsam is
found in the Himalayas, from Himachal to Nepal and Sikkim, at altitudes
of 2400-3450 m. Flowering: July-October.